Saturday, August 25, 2007

Back in the Springs already!

You might not believe this, but I am back in Colorado Springs already. I didn't know if it would be easy or difficult to get back, but I sure nailed it. Flew from Singapore to Japan on Friday, spent the night at Yokota, then caught the Patriot Express (an L-1011) from Yokota to Seattle. The L-1011 is a commercial aircraft that is contracted by the government to move people around. Cost me all of $27 to fly. When it was obvious I was getting on, I went over to the internet computer that they have in the terminal and used it to book a ticket from Seattle to the Sprins. Since I used Delta Skymiles, it cost me nothing. Great way to travel!

Mike picked me up from the airport. Got home and only a slightly messy house, which I mostly straightened up already. Time to go to bed, though. My body thinks that it's Sunday, although it is only Saturday here in the states. Fun trip, and when I do another, I will start up another blog. For now, though, this is Travelin Ted signing off.

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