Sunday, July 29, 2007

The Day Before...

Getting ready to leave from Peterson AFB tomorrow, which is Monday, 30 July. Plan is to catch a C-12 to Salem, Oregon, then take Amtrak up to Tacoma, Washington, home of McChord AFB. After that, who knows! Both Mike and I are backpacking--it's easier that way AND keeps us below 30 lbs so that we can fly free on the smaller planes. Neither one of us has even started packing yet, but hey, how hard can it be? I will try to say something on each day of out trip--and post photos. Ted


Oisín said...

Damned awesome, Ted. I've got pair of tickets to Tacoma I've got to use one of these days.

Have fun, damn it.

Unknown said...




The Neibergs

JackieG said...

Dude! Congrates on the retirement! I'm so glad you 2 get to do this trip! have a Blast!